Tuesday 26 April 2016

James R. Hughes - How to Take Care of Minor Cuts

James R. Hughes is a medical professional who has been working in the realm of emergency and immediate care for more than 40 years. He began his career in medicine in 1971 as a nursing student, but his professional training was put on hold in 1973 when he was drafted into the army. However, he scored extremely high on the entrance exams, which allowed him to provide medical support to special operatives in the field. This would serve as the inspiration behind his lengthy career in emergency care, and he has become an expert in the area.

James R. Hughes

James R. Hughes has seen a great deal through out his 40-year career in emergency and immediate medicine. However, many of the issues he saw were to do minor injuries that weren’t properly cared for. Any opening in the skin can become infected, which if untreated, can be fatal.

The first thing you need to do when you get a cut in the skin is clean it. Antibacterial soap is a must for cuts, scrapes, and other openings in the skin, and it will help rid the area of infectious germs. Infectious germs are already all around us, but we can help our body fight them off with the right tools.

The second thing you’ll want to do after cleaning the cut is put on an antibacterial ointment on the opening. There are a number of brands that can be used for this step in the process, but you’ll want to make sure it is specifically designed to stop infections from taking place.

James R. Hughes is a dedicated medical professional who has spent his entire career serving the needs of patients in the realm of emLastly, cover it. This will help keep it clean, and help keep infections from getting into the body.